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We've all been there. And done that.
We've walked in your shoes and worked in line roles and senior positions. We know what stress is.
We know what it's like to get caught out by a loss of self-belief from time to time.
We want you to know what's possible, reinvent and level up in your executive careers
And we know what it takes to balance life and work and feel fulfilled.
Above all, we're infinitely human and completely committed to helping you to succeed on your own terms.
We invest in anyone and any organization that chooses to invest in themselves to create amazing results .
Any client who works with us is on a mission - to choose what they want, achieve all they can and love doing it.
This takes courage. It's challenging, and will take you beyond your immediate comfort zone. And that's growth!
You'll choose to shed what's not working and do what it takes to create something extraordinary for yourself.
We travel shoulder-to-shoulder with you with the support and tools you need to level-up & succeed.
All our teams and programs are bespoke and tailored to you.
Karen is a credentialed International Business Coach & Consultant with over 25 years' professional experience in the UK, US & Australian markets.
Specializes in business consulting & coaching, secure-based leadership development,
intentional habit change & clinical stress, and organizational (re)design. -
>30 years in International business experience - consulting (McKinsey, Accenture), energy, healthcare, biotech, and as a start-up CEO & Private Investor.
Professional Coaching Credential (PCC), International Coach Federation.
Advanced Coaching Credential (ACC), Columbia University.
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) & CTI Leadership Accreditation.
Accredited in multiple assessment instruments. Evidence and results-led coaching.
Liane is a credentialed International Coach with 30+ years' professional experience in the
Asia-Pacific market.
Specializes in leadership development, executive assessment, transition support,
behavioral change, appreciative inquiry, & design thinking. -
>30 years of Corporate experience in industry roles and Executive Search.
Experienced instructional designer. Built & led global PDt at Spencer Stuart.
Advanced Coaching Credential (ACC) from Columbia University.
Conference Chair for the International Columbia Coaching Conference.
Professional Member of the International Coach Federation.
Founder of Kemp Street Partners (Australia).
Kashmir is credentialed, professional International Business Coach & Consultant with more than 22 years' experience in the UK, Canadian & North American markets.
Specializes in Systems and Deisgn Thinking, TPS, The Way, Agile, Requisite, Lean,
Socio-Technical Systems, NLP, Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space, Conferencing,
Co-Active Coaching. -
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC).
Scrum Master & Seasoned Organisational Development Consultant.
Founder of The True North Alliance (Canada).
Jacqueline has over 20 years' International Leadership and business experience in the UK & US
She has >10 years' International experience developing graduate leaders in the US & UK.
ex-Dragon's Den Entrepreneur and successful business builder.
Specializes in performance psychology, organizational redesign, & positive psychology.
Masters in Occupational Psychology.
Based in the UK, Jaqueline is responsible for project & product design & co-implementation